Today I was reading a book by John Perkins called "Beyond Charity". In it he quotes an old Chinese poem that really illustrates what I envision for FUEL.
Go to the People
Live among them
Learn from them
Love them
Start with what you know
Build on what you have:
But of the best leaders
When their task is done
The people will remark
"We have done it ourselves."
This poem really inspires me to focus on how fuel will give pride and ownership of it self to the People of East Hollywood.
My husband and I have taken some of the first steps in the poem this past year. We have moved right into the heart of East Hollywood. Right now we are in the "Learn from them (and about them) stage, through this we are learning to really appreciate and love them. I'm always looking for ways to be out and interacting with my neighbors. I try to only shop at the local family owned markets. I'm becoming a regular at a few of the local hangouts. One of my next steps will hopefully be volunteering at one of the local Jr high schools to get to know the kids better.